The choice of black fighters since 2014!
The Most Powerful Black Power Clothing!
Black Power Clothing has made a name because of the agressivity and straightforwardness of its striking designs.
Show you are not afraid of carrying the fight for our rights with our Black Power clothing collection!
Celebrate Our Black Culture!
As a community, we created a culture that's unique and beautiful as hell.
Let us celebrate the greatness of our Black identity with our Black Culture clothing and our Black Pride clothing collections!
Be Proud Of Your Roots!
The cradle of our Black community is Africa, with its magnificent legacy and empires they're trying to make disappear from History!
Connect with your roots and show them proudly with our Afrocentric clothing and African clothing collection!
Black Power Clothing products
Men's T-shirts
Our t-shirts for Men are perfectly adapted to our Black Fighters. 100% cotton, they'll fit your perfectly while being extremely comfortable.
Check the most powerful designs with our Men's T-shirts!
Women's and Kids' T-shirts
All our models are available for our Queens and most of them for our youth, who will be the King and Queens of tomorrow! They all are 100% cotton for perfect comfort and quality!
Check our Women's T-shirts and Kids T-shirts!
Most of our designs are also adapted on Hoodies to carry the fight on any circumstances. Our hoodies will fit the Queens and Kings perfectly and are 100% cotton!
Check all our Hoodies!

Our Cause
Black Power Clothing has been created in 2014 by Tarek Williams and we have been fighting for Black empowerment and against the oppressors since our creation! Now we are back with a new name and a new website!
100% Black owned and operated, our cause is to educate our community about our history and our heroes, and about how we can become stronger as a community. We're choosing to fight openly to acquire our rights, as they will keep on denying them from us! Keep on supporting black owned clothing companies and carry the fight to make our community grow in power!

The Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide (2020) !
In solidarity with other Black-owned businesses, we present you the Ultimate Black-Owned Businsses Guide! More than 400+ businesses divided in 9 categories and 81 sub-categories so you can find a black-owned business for everything you need in your life! Check our Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide!